And then there was a blog

Hello Internet, allow me to introduce myself. I am 21-year old professional flipper of bits (or as some call it, a programmer), currently studying to acquire a bachelor's degree in bit-flipping (also known as computer science).

My interest in bit-flipping was born from an interest in games - I was told that to make games, one had to become very very good at flipping bits. So there I am.

I care a lot about about games, and spend ridiculously large amounts of time making them. I've worked in games industry as a programmer, and I want to eventually work as a game designer.

This blog will talk about games - sometimes I will talk about my own games, sometimes I will talk about other people's games.


As of late, I've been working on this game:

There's a rough demo version out there somewhere.

That's all for this first post.

If you care about games as much as I do, you can tell me by e-mailing me: nagnazul (at) If you'd like to help me make games, then you can use that same e-mail address.


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