Was bored, designed card game.
Whenever I get bored, I try to do some sort of mental exercise. Today was one of these days. I spent about 45 minutes waiting for a bus, and during that time I went back to a certain problem I wanted to solve: making a card game which can be played with nothing but the regular 52 playing cards and lasts a very long time, meaning that a single game can take several hours. Games like poker do not count, because playing poker usually requires some other material: chips, real money or something to keep score. I couldn't solve that problem, but I did end up with a game I think is neat. Give it a shot some time, and tell me how you feel about it. Card Duel Needs: 2 players, 1 deck of playing cards Setup: Take a regular deck of 52 cards (no jokers), shuffle it and deal each player 26 cards, face down. These 26 cards are the player's card pool . From this card pool, each player must construct a hand and a deck . To construct a hand, take a number of cards from your card pool whose valu...